Courtney Gilbert

President, Women’s Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center Dallas


I’ve been in the Auxiliary for about five years, but my first experience with Children’s Health was as a patient. I had a week-long stay when I was 12 years old. It was a hard time for me and my family, but the hospital was such a special place.

Children’s Health is magical in its own way, even without all the extra stuff. It’s now a gift to be on the other side and give back through time and raising money for all the different things the Women’s Auxiliary supports.

Being in the hospital is tough, and I know because I’ve been there. During the season, the Auxiliary brings a little bit of magic to these families during a really hard time. That includes everything from decorating the Dallas campus with wreaths and trees to the Breakfast with Santa Spectacular and raising funds to support crucial hospital programs.

And then we have our A Season of Giving Magical Moments, which is the best part. That’s when we bring Santa to the patients and families staying at Children’s Health during the holidays. Being able to give special Santa visits to kids is probably the best part of what we’ve been able to do.

The season is a time of gratitude and to be thankful. And that’s the real joy behind the holidays — sharing it with other people.